Social media is an outlet for many to express their feelings, however unpopular or unusual. This can make social media a tempting tool for hiring managers to explore when evaluating job candidates, and in fact, as many as 70% of employers report checking out candidates' social media. Unfortunately, making hiring decisions based on social media findings can be risky if not done in compliance with other hiring regulations.
Social media screening is one tool in the background screening toolbox that can provide current and potential employers a look at candidates beyond their résumés. Social media screening can help you determine if a candidate is a good match for the style and personality of your organization or team.
Most importantly, a social media screening can help you identify candidates who share posts about such potential red flags as:
On the positive side, social media posts can also help you find candidates who:
Because exploring someone's social media presence can lead to the discovery of sensitive information which would otherwise not be available during the job interview process, anything found on these platforms should be used with discretion. A professional screening company can ensure that such details as membership in a protected class and any other factors which cannot be used to evaluate a candidate are not included in a social media screening report.
At Employers Reference Source, Inc., we offer social media screenings as part of our full suite of background screening solutions. Contact us today to learn more and let us help you find the best people for your team.
For more information or to schedule a consultation, call us at (888) 512-2525 or fill out the form below.